Ah, we’ve come to lucky number 13 for this little column I decided to do on the spur of a half-blitzed moment, and to celebrate, Blast Rites is taking on the latest from a personal favorite. Historically hyper-prolific, Suffering Mind may have slowed their prodigious release pace since returning from a brief hiatus back in 2018, but they certainly haven’t lost any of the manic grinding intensity that has defined them for nearly fifteen years.
n the decade prior to that hiatus, Suffering Mind spit forth the usual barrage of splits, EPs, compilations of those splits and EPs, and three full-length records; in the three-and-a-half years since, they’ve released a split with Whoresnation, a set of cover songs, three limited-run singles in various novelty formats (a floppy disk, a 1” vinyl, and a 0.5” vinyl). Now here we are with Lifeless, full-length number four.
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