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DESECRESY – Deserted Realms / VINYL LP


Black 12″ Vinyl

Disponibilidad: 1 disponibles

SKU: AAA464 Categorías: , , , Etiqueta:

The powerful light of light suddenly appeared from the deepest of the ocean. Not too much distance was the gloomy fortress. It was adorned with huge stone skulls that protruded from the multiple watches. A bluish fog began to come out of the stone basins. The smoke did not take long to solidify, forming demonic beings, which instantly noticed the light cannon. A unknown smile was drawn on the face of each and every one of them. At last the teacher had returned to the earth. The time had come to recover what was once his …
Welcome to the Descés and Universe.
The Finn brings us a new Elepé darker than the thoughts of Satan himself. The tunes are dense to say enough, with, if the occasion requires it, atmospheric inclusions to highlight more the feeling of anguish and restlessness that emanates throughout the 8 tracks that make up the disc. However, I have to say that it has turned out at the somewhat flat composition. There is an excess of structural similarity between theme and theme that the experience is remarkable. In spite of this, I assure you that it is not a round evil

Peso 0,490 kg


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