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Black 12″ Vinyl

Disponibilidad: 2 disponibles

Let’s take a break from the things of the routine and change us to disgusting and furrent death metal. This is an excellent and terrible job with some known types … Anatomy and eternal rot bombard fans with their wild versions of Death Metal. Both bands are deeply deeply in the era of the genre of the early 90s, and also used many slow fatality riffs. Of course the result sounds very powerful and heavy!

Anatomy crosses the brains of listeners like an ax through a body! You cannot name this music quickly, but this is incredibly heavy, the riffs are marked by tasty guitar tones. This material has a large dark atmosphere and the old school, the battery has a pleasant and outdated sound, and the deep guttural voices make a finishing mark in this terrible art. The song «Omnious» killed me, begins with a great fatality of Death, but the second part is a black drone … Very good! I must say that Anatomy did not disappoint me!

Eternal Rot is going to show a back of the genre … The boys slowly throw their traces through fans, this Death Metal is phenomenally sticky and unpleasant. The slow tempos become a storm, placing roaring voices and buzzing guitar pieces, and then that disaster explodes on the wall of their ear. The atmosphere of this session is magnificent, so heavy, so deep … This could be the last one for you! Both songs have their own atmosphere, and both are different (but they are still in the framework of the genre), «Devoring Purge» surprised me with contaminated riffs at the end of the track, which was tasty. «Memories under granite slab» has great slow moments that will take you to a strange trip (even without drugs). Eternal rot managed to create something that will remain forever in this underground underground

Peso 0,490 kg


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